Rise from the Dust!
Hector Bolitho recalls a conversation with a former classmate of Mr Jinnah, then in his eighties and relates it to the character of the great man. His biography was first published in 1954.
Time to Recall the Quaid
Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah - the undisputed leader of the Muslims of the subcontinent who single-handedly created Pakistan, could have, if he had so wished, given to the people of this country a constitution. But the Quaid was, above all, a democrat, a committed constitutionalist and for him the rule of law was an article of faith.
When asked what would be the constitution of Pakistan, his answer was that he had neither the power nor the intention of determining or dictating a constitution. He insisted that it was for the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan to deliberate the consti-tutional issues and finally adopt the constitution of Pakistan. He went on to state that the government in Pakistan would be representative and democratic. He called it a people's government and declared that the constitution and the government would be what the people have decided.
The Quaid was equally clear about the role of the bureaucracy in the governance of the country. While addressing the Civil Officers of Balochistan at Sibbi on February 14, 1948, the Quaid stated: "Pakistan is now a sovereign state, absolute and un-fettered, and the government of Pakistan is in the hands of the people. Until we finally frame our constitution which, of course, can only be done by the Constituent Assembly, our present provisional constitution based on the fundamental principles of democracy, not bureaucracy or autocracy or dictatorship, must be worked. You officers should realize that these are the principles which should be borne in mind."
Jinnah refused to be Knighted!
Lord Reading offered Quaid-e-Azam Judgeship of a High Court, but Quaid-e-Azam refused the offer. Lord Reading next offered him Law Membership in the Viceroy’s cabinet. This offer was also refused. Lord Reading then sounded Quaid-e-Azam whether he would agree to be knighted.
Quaid-e-Azam refused saying:
At a social function Lord Reading wanted Mrs. Jinnah persuade her husband agree to be knighted.
Mariam Jinnnah (Ruttie) said:
Why Quaid-e-Azam opposed Gandhi's gospel of Non-Cooperation?
Quaid-e-Azam said:
“If we are going to regulate everything in our country by the doctrine of non-violence and non-cooperation, then I am afraid we are forgetting human nature.”
Quaid-e-Azam stood for advancing the cause of their people through higher education while Mr. Gandhi in India wanted the boys and girls to give up education and boycott schools.
Q & A session: Quaid-e-Azam's Press Conference, Delhi (July 14th, 1947)
Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah had a press conference July 14th (1947) in Delhi, following is Q & A session.
A. At present I am only governor-general designate. We will assume for a moment that on August 15 I shall be really the governor-general of Pakistan. On that assumption, let me tell you that I shall not depart from what I said repeatedly with regard to the minorities. Every time I spoke about the minorities I meant what I said and what I said I meant. Minorities to whichever community they may belong will be safeguarded. Their religion or faith or belief will be secure. There will be no interference of any kind with their freedom of worship. They will have their protection with regard to their religion, faith, their life, their culture. They will be, in all respects, the citizens of Pakistan without any distinction of caste or creed. The will have their rights and privileges and no doubt along with this goes the obligations of citizenship. Therefore, the minorities have their responsibilities also, and they will play their part in the affairs of this state. As long as the minorities are loyal to the state and owe true allegiance, and as long as I have any power, they need have no apprehension of any kind.
A. My interest will continue in Hindustan in every citizen and particularly the Muslims.
A. All that I hope for is that the Muslims in the Hindustan states will be treated as justly as I have indicated we propose to treat non-Muslim minorities. I have stated the broad principles of policy, but the actual question of safeguards and protection for minorities in the respective states can only be dealt with by the Constituent Assembly.
A. I hope they will get over this madness and follow the line I am suggesting. It is no use picking up the statements of this man here or that man there. You must remember that in every country there are crooks, cranks, and what I call mad people.
Jinnah: The Man of the Hour
Much has been written about our Quaid, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, about the amazing leadership qualities that he possessed and the determination and strength with which he fought for the attainment of an independent State for the Muslims of the subcontinent. His personality and his grace won the admiration of friends and foes alike.
However, there is a section of Pakistani society that deems Jinnah irrelevant to the present day Pakistan and does not miss any opportunity to belittle the impact that this great man had on humanity. There is a reason for this charade; Jinnah is a threat to the self-proclaimed ‘democratically elected’ leaders of Pakistan who are steeped in corruption and nepotism.
In the Pakistan of today, we see political parties loyal to ‘Quaid-e-Awams’, each focusing on their own particular mantra or slogan, each waving their own flag. The one leader who united us, who taught us the meaning of dignity and courage, is missing not only from the walls of the President House, but also from the hearts and minds of the sheeple who blindly follow these so called leaders. This particular section of society seems to think that Pakistan was created for the elite. The concern that Jinnah had for the Muslim Ummah, the very community that Pakistan was created for, has been set aside and the poor and downtrodden who in the words of Allama Iqbal were encouraged by Angels to ‘shake the foundations of society’ , have been forgotten. While the Pakistani elite continue to grow stronger through political alliances and inter-marriages, common Pakistanis are struggling to break away from this stranglehold.
Quaid-e-Azam Related philatelic Material
Burkina Faso
1988 – Famous Persons
1990– Indonesia Pakistan Economic and Cultural Co-operation Organization (IPECC)
1976 – 12th Anniversary of Regional Co-operation for Development (RCD)
1976 – Birth Centenary of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Ivory Coast
1976 – Birth Centenary of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
1976 – Birth Centenary of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Jinnah was not Secular
They quote this speech in support of their view but are guilty of misinterpreting the same. According to their perception and perhaps according to the agenda given to them, ‘they do not quote any other speech and are thus again guilty of omission and commission. Unfortunately, since its very inception, Pakistan is faced with a cultural invasion particularly from its Eastern neighbour and undoubtedly, this invasion has influenced some people and a feeling is growing that the nation’s commitment to its Islamic ideals set by our elders is getting diluted thereby eroding our ideology.
Extract from Biography of Sayyid Jama'at Ali Shah (rehmatullah alayh)
Biography of Sayyid Jama'at Ali Shah (r.a)1841-1951 Part 20 Sirat Amir e Millat (r.a)
Pakistan Movement ( Tahreek e Pakistan ) 3.
Dinner in Kashmir for Quaid e Azam (r.a)
This was the last tour of Kashmir for Hazrat Sayyid Jama'at Ali Shah (r.a). Chauhdry Ghulam Abbas (r.a) was the leader of Muslim League in Kashmir and his disciple (Mureed). He invited Muhammad Ali Jinnah (r.a) to Kashmir. Hazrat Sahib was staying at the home of Dr. Abdul Ahad and asked him to invite Quid e Azam for a dinner on his behalf. Jinnah Sahib responded " Since both of us are visitors here, there is no need for dinner, I will come to meet you." Hazrat Sahib organized the dinner in a large hall which was attended by large number of guests and his fellow disciples (yaran e Tareeqat).Table clothes were spread on beautiful Persian carpets and at least 45 different dishes were prepared.,Quid e Azam arrived with Chaudhry Ghulam Abbas and Hazrat Sahib stood up to greet him.He refused to sit next to him and sat on the ground instead & stated " A person with lack of respect (Be Adab) never succeeds in his mission.My aim is to create Pakistan and therefore I do not want to be deprived of this honor." Quid e Azam used to eat very little. Hazrat Sahib insisted that he taste all the Kashmiri dishes. A special Kashmiri dish " Goshtaba " was served last. Quid e Azam enjoyed the dinner and commented " I want to steel this cook from you." Both discussed the strategy for independence of Pakistan . Hazrat Sahib gave him two flags , one green and other black and offered dua for the success of his mission." In an earlier conference at Lahore Quid e Azam stated "It is my faith that Pakistan will become a reality because Amir e Millat has said so and I am sure Allah Taala will make true the words uttered by him."
Hazrat Amir e Millat himself toured India to support Muslim League in 1946 elections and his message was " Give vote to Muslim League".Muslim League achieved great victory and Quid e Azam told Seth Mohammad Ali disciple of Hazrat Sahib in Bombay " This is all due to efforts and dua of your Pir".
Hazrat Sayyid Jam'at Ali Shah ( r.a ) wrote letter of congratulations to Quid e Azam which was published in "Jang " Karachi ,Yom e Pakistan Edition ,1970:
Quaid e Azam Sahib:
Assalam o Alaikum wa Rahmat'Allah wa Barakatu
"Last week I sent you message , congratulating you to make intension of performing Hajj.Now again I congratulate you on the success of Muslim League. Allah Taala selected you from millions of Indian Muslims for this honor.Despite strong opposition by five groups,Allah Taala granted you success.The opponents have spent millions to make Indian Muslims dogs of Gandhi as the Kashmiri say however they were disgraced and defeated .
Afreen bad bareen himmat mardana to--Ein kar az to ayed wa mardan chuneen kunad
In this message I also want to congratulate Nizam and people of Hyderabad Deccan for weighing you in gold because this honor only has been bestowed on Agha Khan and you since creation of Hazrat Adam ( alaihe as-Salam). Allah Taala selected you for this great honor from millions of Muslims.
Sayyed Jam'at Ali afi Allah unho (May Allah forgive me),
from Alipur Sayyidan,July 17,1946.
In another letter in English Hazrat explained to Quid e Azam rites of pilgrimage (Munasik e Hajj ) in detail. Quid e Azam replied on August 13,1946.
Dear Sayyid Jama'at Ali Shah Sahib:
Thank you for your letter of July 17th. As you know there are rapid political changes ocurring in India. It is difficult for me to leave India at this time.With Thanks.
Your Sincere,
M.A. Jinnah.
In response to congratulations on creation of Pakistan, Quid e Azam wrote on August 6,1947 :
10 Aurangzeb Road New Delhi
August 6 1947.
Dear Pir Sahib.
"Thank you for your duas and congratulations.I believe Muslims are very happy that after 200 years of colonial rule , they have established an independent and free Pakistan.I want also thank you for your kind gift parcel of peaches. "
With best wishes
Your Sincere
M.A. Jinnah
On the independence of Pakistan Hazrat Jama'at Ali Shah (r.a) sent messages of congratulations to Quid e Azam and other leaders. He wrote to Pir of Manki Sharif "Pir Sahib ! Pakistan is Independent. Our work is completed.Now it upto rulers to run the country"
He sent telegraph to Quid e Azam : " Mulk Geeri Asan Hay.Mulk Dari Mushkil Hay. Allah Taala Ap ko Mulk Dari ki Taufiq ata famaiy."
" It is easy to make a country but difficult to rule it. Allah Taala give you wisdom to rule the country"
Fearless Fighter of the Pakistan Movement:
Urdu Daily Newspaper' Nawa i Waqt' Lahore published an article titled " The Fearless Fighter of Pakistan Movement ( Tahreek e Pakistan Ka Nadar Mujahid ) in April 16,1970 issue " Ishat e Milli "
" Hazrat Amir e Millat Pir Jama'at Ali Shah Sahib (r.a) used to study any new movement in India with great insight . He would fight anti-Muslim movements with great courage without fear of then British Government. To make Muslims aware of importance and sanctity of mosques,he confronted Sikhs and British during Shaheed Ganj Movement . The nation honored him with the title of Amir e Millat (Leader of the Muslim Community).He challenged the Hindus during Shudi Movement and stopped their conversion of Muslims to Hinduism. He wanted Indian Muslims to understand their Islamic identity.He established many religious organizations & institutions to promote Shari'a of beloved Prophet saws. (Shariat e Mustafvi). Some of those organizations such as Anjuman Khudam as-Sufiya and Anjuman Islamia are still functioning.He supported the Lahore Resolution of 1940 and awakened Muslims to work for the success of Pakistan Movement . He worked tirelessly to make Quid e Azam's mission successful. Pir Sahib told his disciples (Mureeds) to take part in Pakistan Movement in whatsoever capacity they can, otherwise he will not offer their funeral prayers ( Namaz e Janaza ) ."
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