Dear Mr. Jinnah,
I don’t think I ever got down to thanking you for your efforts in helping form Pakistan. I was born thirty-six years after you and a team of dedicated, patriotic and self-less leaders inspired the Muslims of India to separate themselves in pursuit of an independent nation. Hundreds of thousands of people lost their lives so that future generations like mine can live in a sovereign state. Thank you.
Things now aren’t as great as you visioned them to be though.
The religion you made the basis for separation is now divided within itself. It’s being abused, sabotaged and exploited by everyone who has the capability to do so. Islam meant peace. Now, it’s being cited as the root of everything otherwise.
The poor, helpless people whose rights you fought for aren’t poor or helpless anymore. They have become poor-er and more helpless.
You remember the overly rich and greedy people of your time? They still roam dauntlessly, sucking the blood of the common man and giving him nothing in return but grief, sickness and death.
There is no faith. There is no unity. There is no discipline.
Showing posts with label Unity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Unity. Show all posts
Protection of minorities: A sacred undertaking (30th Oct 1947)
Broadcast Speech from the Pakistan Radio, Lahore on 30th October, 1947
A few days ago, I received harrowing accounts of the terrible happenings in the Punjab and the situation, from all accounts, appeared to be so grave that I decided to come to Lahore. On my arrival here, I immediately got in touch with various sources that were available to me and I was deeply grieved to realize that unfortunately, there was a great deal of truth in what had been told to me. I am speaking to you under deep distress and with a heavy heart. We have, undoubtedly, achieved Pakistan and that too without bloody war and practically peacefully by moral and intellectual force and with the power of pen which is no less mighty than the sword and so our righteous cause has triumphed. Are we now going to besmear and tarnish this greatest achievement for which there is not parallel in the whole history of the world by resorting to frenzy, savagery and butchery? And, will this lead us anywhere? Pakistan is now a fait accompli and it can never be undone, besides, it was the only just, honorable and practical solution of the most complex constitutional problem of this great sub-continent.
The division of India is now finally and irrevocably effected. No doubt, we feel that the carving out of this great independent, sovereign Muslim State has suffered injustice. We have been squeezed inasmuch as it was possible and the latest blow that we have received was the Award of the Boundary Commission. It is an unjust, incomprehensible and even perverse Award. It may be wrong, unjust and perverse and it may not be a judicial award, but political award but we had agreed to abide by it and it is binding upon us. As honorable people we must abide by it. It may be our misfortune, but we must bear up this one more blow with fortitude, courage and hope.
Let us now plan to build and reconstruct and regenerate our great nation and our sovereign State of Pakistan which, you know, is not only the biggest Muslim State in the world but the fifth biggest sovereign State in the world. Now is the time, chance and opportunity for every Mussalman to make his or her fullest and best contribution and make the greatest sacrifice and work ceaselessly and selflessly in the service of our nation and make Pakistan one of the greatest nations of the world. It is in your hands; we have undoubtedly talents; Pakistan is blessed with enormous resources and potentialities; Providence has endowed us with all the wealth of nature and now it lies with man to make best of it.
It is agreed on all hands that peace should be restored without delay and that law and order must be established and maintained at any cost. Now it is up to leaders and the rank and file of the communities to leave no stone unturned in fulfilling the sacred and honorable undertaking that was given at the Special Conference on the 29th August, to protect the minorities and work in everywhere for the welfare and safety of the refugees. The Lahore Conference of 29th has further laid down categorically certain ways and means to be adopted to implement its decisions and such further measures will be taken which have the solemn, firm and determined sanction of the Pakistan and the Dominion of India Government. Henceforth they will be naturally responsible, as the Punjab Boundary Force which was limited only to certain areas, could not deal with entire Punjab --both West and East, especially now as the rural areas have also been affected and, therefore, it has been abolished.
These decisions and measures adopted by the Special Conference should reassure the people of all communities that the Pakistan and India Government are determined to put down ruthlessly these orgies and their far-reaching consequences. But it requires the communities concerned to realize the folly and futility of indulging in this savagery which has already taken a colossal toll of human life and especially of the innocent ones and has displaced hundreds of thousands of innocent people rendered them- homeless and delivered them to starvation who are wandering about in the countryside for their lives --besides resulting in destruction of property on an extensive scale.
This is not the moment for me to go into the origin or cause of all that is happening or to apportion blame as to which community has disgraced itself more. It will be for the historians to give their verdict. Humanity cries loud against this shameful conduct and the deeds that have been committed. Those who are responsible for this holocaust must be dealt with an iron hand and put down ruthlessly. The civilized world is looking upon these doings and happenings with horror and the fair name of the communities concerned stands blackened in the eyes of the world.
It is now up to the leaders and those responsible and in charge of the Governments to make their supreme effort to make amends for this indelible stigma. While the horizon is beset with dark clouds, let me appeal to you and give this message to the people of Pakistan. Create enthusiasm and spirit and go forward with your task, with courage and hope and we shall do it. Are we downhearted? Certainly not. This history of Islam is replete with instances of velour, grit and determination. So march on notwithstanding obstruction, obstacles and interference; and I feel confident that a united nation of 70 million people with a grim determination and with a great civilization and history need fear nothing. It is now up to you to work, work and more work; and we are bound to succeed. And never forget our motto: Unity, Discipline and Faith".
I have so far spoken to you in English as you know that the eyes of the world are upon Pakistan and we are watched by the various nations of the world with keenest interest since the establishment of Pakistan as an independent, sovereign State which has been a great and historical event. I, therefore, used the medium of English so as to be able to reach the world-wide audience, which exhibited great interest in Pakistan.
The text of my broadcast will be translated in Urdu and read to you in a few minutes time as well as published in the Press tomorrow, but, nevertheless, I would also like to say a few words in Urdu.
A few days ago, I received harrowing accounts of the terrible happenings in the Punjab and the situation, from all accounts, appeared to be so grave that I decided to come to Lahore. On my arrival here, I immediately got in touch with various sources that were available to me and I was deeply grieved to realize that unfortunately, there was a great deal of truth in what had been told to me. I am speaking to you under deep distress and with a heavy heart. We have, undoubtedly, achieved Pakistan and that too without bloody war and practically peacefully by moral and intellectual force and with the power of pen which is no less mighty than the sword and so our righteous cause has triumphed. Are we now going to besmear and tarnish this greatest achievement for which there is not parallel in the whole history of the world by resorting to frenzy, savagery and butchery? And, will this lead us anywhere? Pakistan is now a fait accompli and it can never be undone, besides, it was the only just, honorable and practical solution of the most complex constitutional problem of this great sub-continent.
The division of India is now finally and irrevocably effected. No doubt, we feel that the carving out of this great independent, sovereign Muslim State has suffered injustice. We have been squeezed inasmuch as it was possible and the latest blow that we have received was the Award of the Boundary Commission. It is an unjust, incomprehensible and even perverse Award. It may be wrong, unjust and perverse and it may not be a judicial award, but political award but we had agreed to abide by it and it is binding upon us. As honorable people we must abide by it. It may be our misfortune, but we must bear up this one more blow with fortitude, courage and hope.
Let us now plan to build and reconstruct and regenerate our great nation and our sovereign State of Pakistan which, you know, is not only the biggest Muslim State in the world but the fifth biggest sovereign State in the world. Now is the time, chance and opportunity for every Mussalman to make his or her fullest and best contribution and make the greatest sacrifice and work ceaselessly and selflessly in the service of our nation and make Pakistan one of the greatest nations of the world. It is in your hands; we have undoubtedly talents; Pakistan is blessed with enormous resources and potentialities; Providence has endowed us with all the wealth of nature and now it lies with man to make best of it.
It is agreed on all hands that peace should be restored without delay and that law and order must be established and maintained at any cost. Now it is up to leaders and the rank and file of the communities to leave no stone unturned in fulfilling the sacred and honorable undertaking that was given at the Special Conference on the 29th August, to protect the minorities and work in everywhere for the welfare and safety of the refugees. The Lahore Conference of 29th has further laid down categorically certain ways and means to be adopted to implement its decisions and such further measures will be taken which have the solemn, firm and determined sanction of the Pakistan and the Dominion of India Government. Henceforth they will be naturally responsible, as the Punjab Boundary Force which was limited only to certain areas, could not deal with entire Punjab --both West and East, especially now as the rural areas have also been affected and, therefore, it has been abolished.
These decisions and measures adopted by the Special Conference should reassure the people of all communities that the Pakistan and India Government are determined to put down ruthlessly these orgies and their far-reaching consequences. But it requires the communities concerned to realize the folly and futility of indulging in this savagery which has already taken a colossal toll of human life and especially of the innocent ones and has displaced hundreds of thousands of innocent people rendered them- homeless and delivered them to starvation who are wandering about in the countryside for their lives --besides resulting in destruction of property on an extensive scale.
This is not the moment for me to go into the origin or cause of all that is happening or to apportion blame as to which community has disgraced itself more. It will be for the historians to give their verdict. Humanity cries loud against this shameful conduct and the deeds that have been committed. Those who are responsible for this holocaust must be dealt with an iron hand and put down ruthlessly. The civilized world is looking upon these doings and happenings with horror and the fair name of the communities concerned stands blackened in the eyes of the world.
It is now up to the leaders and those responsible and in charge of the Governments to make their supreme effort to make amends for this indelible stigma. While the horizon is beset with dark clouds, let me appeal to you and give this message to the people of Pakistan. Create enthusiasm and spirit and go forward with your task, with courage and hope and we shall do it. Are we downhearted? Certainly not. This history of Islam is replete with instances of velour, grit and determination. So march on notwithstanding obstruction, obstacles and interference; and I feel confident that a united nation of 70 million people with a grim determination and with a great civilization and history need fear nothing. It is now up to you to work, work and more work; and we are bound to succeed. And never forget our motto: Unity, Discipline and Faith".
I have so far spoken to you in English as you know that the eyes of the world are upon Pakistan and we are watched by the various nations of the world with keenest interest since the establishment of Pakistan as an independent, sovereign State which has been a great and historical event. I, therefore, used the medium of English so as to be able to reach the world-wide audience, which exhibited great interest in Pakistan.
The text of my broadcast will be translated in Urdu and read to you in a few minutes time as well as published in the Press tomorrow, but, nevertheless, I would also like to say a few words in Urdu.
Pakistan Zindabad
The first Eid in Pakistan (18th Aug 1947)
Eid Message to the Nation on 18th August, 1947
This is our first Eid immediately following in the heralding of free independent Sovereign Pakistan having been established. This day of rejoicing throughout the Muslim world so aptly comes immediately in the wake of our national state being established, and therefore, it is a matter of special significance and happiness to us all. I wish on this auspicious day a very happy Eid to all Muslims wherever they may be throughout the world --an Eid that will usher in, I hope, a new era of prosperity and will mark the onward march of renaissance of Islamic culture and ideals. I fervently pray that God Almighty make us all worthy of our past and hoary history and give us strength-to make Pakistan truly a great nation amongst all the nations of the world. No doubt we have achieved Pakistan, but that is only yet the beginning of an end. Great responsibilities have come to us, and equally great should be our determination and endeavor to discharge them, and the fulfillment thereof will demand of us efforts and sacrifices in the cause no less for construction and building of our nation than what was required for the achievement of the cherished goal of Pakistan. The time for real solid work has now arrived, and I have no doubt in my mind that the Muslim genius will put its shoulder to the wheel and conquer all obstacles in our way on the road, which may appear uphill.
Let us not, on this occasion, forget those of our brethren and sisters who have sacrificed their all, so that Pakistan may be established and we may live. We fervently pray that their souls may rest in peace and we shall never forget the memory of those who are no more and those who have suffered. For many, Eid will be not an occasion of such great joy and rejoicing as in Pakistan. Those of our brethren who are minorities in Hindustan may rest assured that we shall never neglect or forget them. Our hearts go out to them, and we shall consider no effort too great to help them and secure their well-being for I recognize that it is the Muslim minority provinces in this sub-continent who were the pioneers and carried the banner aloft for the achievement of our cherished goal of Pakistan. I shall never forget their support, nor I hope the majority provinces in Pakistan will fail to appreciate that they were the pioneers in the vanguard of our historic and heroic struggle for the achievement of Pakistan, which today is an accomplished fact.
This is our first Eid immediately following in the heralding of free independent Sovereign Pakistan having been established. This day of rejoicing throughout the Muslim world so aptly comes immediately in the wake of our national state being established, and therefore, it is a matter of special significance and happiness to us all. I wish on this auspicious day a very happy Eid to all Muslims wherever they may be throughout the world --an Eid that will usher in, I hope, a new era of prosperity and will mark the onward march of renaissance of Islamic culture and ideals. I fervently pray that God Almighty make us all worthy of our past and hoary history and give us strength-to make Pakistan truly a great nation amongst all the nations of the world. No doubt we have achieved Pakistan, but that is only yet the beginning of an end. Great responsibilities have come to us, and equally great should be our determination and endeavor to discharge them, and the fulfillment thereof will demand of us efforts and sacrifices in the cause no less for construction and building of our nation than what was required for the achievement of the cherished goal of Pakistan. The time for real solid work has now arrived, and I have no doubt in my mind that the Muslim genius will put its shoulder to the wheel and conquer all obstacles in our way on the road, which may appear uphill.
Let us not, on this occasion, forget those of our brethren and sisters who have sacrificed their all, so that Pakistan may be established and we may live. We fervently pray that their souls may rest in peace and we shall never forget the memory of those who are no more and those who have suffered. For many, Eid will be not an occasion of such great joy and rejoicing as in Pakistan. Those of our brethren who are minorities in Hindustan may rest assured that we shall never neglect or forget them. Our hearts go out to them, and we shall consider no effort too great to help them and secure their well-being for I recognize that it is the Muslim minority provinces in this sub-continent who were the pioneers and carried the banner aloft for the achievement of our cherished goal of Pakistan. I shall never forget their support, nor I hope the majority provinces in Pakistan will fail to appreciate that they were the pioneers in the vanguard of our historic and heroic struggle for the achievement of Pakistan, which today is an accomplished fact.
Pakistan Zindabad
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